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DUMP EVERYTHING! Auggie turned 3!

Auggie's 3rd Birthday Party - Construction

Birthday parties are something to be celebrated at our house. At least for Auggie that is. In fact, he’d rather a good party than any number of gifts. So, every year, Bryson and I (and lots of other family members we call upon) drain ourselves of all creativity, energy, and cash to throw him the party of his dreams.


I started planning probably 3 months ago with Pinterest boards and brainstorming sessions with Bryson and my mom. We slowly started purchasing items over the remainder of time, and then, ran ourselves into the ground with party planning and prepping the last week.

It was hot and humid, with a heat advisory in effect. But the event itself went pretty flawlessly. We had sub sandwiches that we stuck in paper toolboxes for the kids and wrapped in parchment paper for the adults to keep the flies away. We also had a trailmix station, fruit, and chips to choose from. Each kid got a hard hat and a tool belt to aid in their adventures around the yard hammering golf tees into wood-wrapping-papered styrofoam, knocking down brick-covered boxes with a wrecking ball hung off a crane, digging in the corn feed with all sorts of construction trucks, tossing rings onto cones, and busting open a wrecking ball pinata hung from a tree-high crane full of pink candy which announced the gender of Auggie’s coming little sister.

Every year, at the end of the chaos, we tell everyone we’re going to go smaller the next year. But, then Auggie raves about how he had the “best birthday party ever!,” and my heart burst, and I know I’ll go even bigger next year.

A big thank you to everyone who helped Auggie feel loved!

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