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My Girl Turns Two!

My girl turns two today, and in true Eloise fashion, we started celebrating a week ago with a cow themed birthday party.

Seeing as she was born only slightly before the pandemic, this was her first true birthday party, or gathering really, with more than a handful of people. I wasn’t sure how she would react. Auggie loves being the center of attention and is very welcoming, therefore, he excels at birthday parties. Eloise doesn’t mind attention, but she’s just as content without it. She’s isn’t unwelcoming, but she’s fine parting ways without making an attempt at your personal space. She’s strong willed, opinionated, and confident in who she is and she doesn’t need your approval. Therefore, I was less than sure how she would react to a bunch of people making googly eyes at her.

Turns out, I had nothing to worry about. Like her brother, Eloise likes birthday parties, but she likes them in her own way.

Auggie loves the people aspect; Eloise loves the dessert.
Auggie likes the surprise of the gifts, whereas Eloise likes the puzzle of unwrapping them.
Auggie shines in the spotlight, and, not surprisingly, so does Eloise.

The entire week of preparation for the party, there were several 1 am nights where I asked myself why I threw these extravagant birthday parties. I mean, she’s two. She won’t even remember it. Do I do it for myself? As a sense of pride? To prove I can?

As I replay watching Eloise light up the room, as I have seen Auggie do at his parties, I know my answer.

How fortunate are we to have kiddos who attract others to them, who make others smile.
How thankful am I to prepare a setting where they feel the most special, even if just for an hour or two.
And, how especially thankful I am to have a girl who knows her worth.

Whether it’s birthday parties, high school dances, or her wedding, Eloise will know her value isn’t measured by the attendants, her dress, or even her groom. She is forever worthy, loved, and cherished because she is a child of God, and I’ll do everything in my power to prove it to her.

Until then, a huge thank you to those standing beside me in this endeavor as you continue to show face at birthday party after birthday party and make googly eyes at my girl. It’s more appreciated than you might think.

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